8 Days of Giving Thanks – Day 3

Today I will be focusing on my family. I am an only child. I was fortunate enough to have grown up surrounded by grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. I used to think that I came from an ordinary family until I moved away from home for the first time to attend college. Talking with other people about their families, and where they came from, made me realize how lucky I have been. My family is very important to me as they are supportive of my endeavors, my choices. They let me make my own mistakes and are there for me when I fail and when I succeed. They have helped me grow to become the person I am today.


[Please note that this is not a picture of my family. Thank you to Wikipedia for making this photo available under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 license. And thank you to user Tysto for providing the picture.]
